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Advent Snapshots
from Israel/Palestine
Every day in Advent Mission Partners Rev Dr Stewart Gillan and Rev Muriel Pearson will post a photograph taken in their daily life in Israel/Palestine along with a Bible verse and a thought so you can share our Advent journey with us.

Saturday 7th December Day 7

‘When you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”’ Isaiah 30:21

I am still surprised by the knowledge that Jesus walked here. He knew these hills and the lake. The call to walk in his way is my Advent journey.


Friday 6th December Day 6

‘And those who err in spirit will come to understanding, and those who grumble will accept instruction.’ Isaiah 29: 24

Am I always open to learning? Spirit of the Galilee, a group of Jews, Christians and Muslims come together to learn from

each other. At this event in Haifa, a Catholic bishop shared his Christian understanding of reconciliation.






Thursday 5th December Day 5

‘Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace, in peace because they trust in you.’ Isaiah 26: 3

Peace is an overused and damaged concept, and is far more than the absence of conflict, but how do I by my life and habits help create peace? How do I embody the peace I long for?





Wednesday 4th December Day 4

‘On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear.’ Isaiah 25: 6

Although society here is polarized and people are suspicious of the other, there are places like Sindyanna of the Galilee where friendships are formed and people work together for a peaceful future.






Tuesday 3rd December Day 3

‘A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.’ Isaiah 11:1

Things can grow in unlikely places, and the rain is greening things up. But rain also means flooding and the suffering in Gaza intensifies.



Monday 2nd December Day 2

‘They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more.’ Isaiah 2: 4

Most nights over the past six months I have heard Israeli airplanes going north to Lebanon. There have also been rocket attacks and alerts from Hezbollah and Syria and Iran across the north of Israel. Everyone is weary and afraid but who will say, ‘War is not the answer?’




Advent 1 Sunday 1st December 2024

‘Look at the fig tree…see for yourselves…know that the Kingdom of God is near.’ Luke 21:29-31

Here in the Galilee winter is on its way. After the searing heat of summer some cool is welcome. How can I get ready this Advent season to welcome God’s reign?

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